Negligence Claim Hand Injury

Medical Expenses & Treatment

Questions and Answers Who do I speak to first when I have been injured at work? If you have been injured at work it is advisable to speak to a qualified workers compensation lawyer as soon as possible to make sure that you are receiving appropriate workers compensation benefits and to maximise potential claim outcomes….

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How Can I Make a Workers Compensation Claim for a Psychological Injury (Stress)?

Before we go into compensation claims for stress, it’s important to clarify that when we talk about stress, it is about the clinical medical diagnosis and not the emotion of stress that most of us will experience regularly. Stress, like any mental illness, can often render employees unable to work for periods of time and…

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How Do They Decide If My Injuries Are Caused By The Accident?

Workplace or personal injuries are usually easy to point out when you go to make a claim, but adequately gathered medical evidence can often be the difference between getting deserved compensation and the insurers refusing to pay. There are myriad of scenarios where medical records over an extended period are essential to ensure a payout…

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Weekly Compensation – With Capacity to Work

What are my entitlements to weekly compensation during the first entitlement period if I have capacity to work? The first entitlement period is the first 13 weeks of weekly compensation. During the first 13 weeks of weekly compensation where a worker has capacity to work, payments will be calculated at 95% of the workers pre…

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High Needs Workers

Questions and Answers What is a worker with high needs? A worker with high needs is a worker who has 21% whole person impairment or more, including workers who have not yet been assessed but the insurer is satisfied that the level of impairment is likely to be 21% or more. It also includes workers…

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Factual investigators

Questions and Answers Can the insurer arrange a factual investigator? The insurer can arrange a factual investigator to interview injured workers and other witnesses to obtain a statement to assist with the determination of liability. Insurers can also use factual investigators to conduct surveillance and obtain footage of injured workers after their injury as a…

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Common Questions Asked About ‘Return to Work’ Programs

You least expect to be injured at work but it does happen. Especially if it has never happened to you before you may be unaware of your rights under the workers compensation system. You may be confused about what to expect after injury at work and how the return to work program works and what…

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