Construction Worker Gets Huge Payout After Accident – Taylor & Scott

Our client had spent his lifetime working in the construction industry.  He loved his work. Usually he worked a 10 hour day plus several hours on a Saturday.  He specialised in the construction of high rise buildings.   On this particular day, he was working 27 storeys up assisting workmates to place aluminium panels into position…

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What you can do about Bullying and Harassment at Work.jpg

What To Do About Bullying + Harrassment At Work – Taylor & Scott

  The law recognises that bullying isn’t confined to the schoolyard and sadly workplace bullying is all too common. Workers have a right to work in a safe environment free from bullying and harassment and employers have a duty to ensure these rights are upheld. Workplace bullying is a form of harassment and when it…

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How do you know if you're entitled to workers compensation

Find Out If You’re Entitled To Workers Compensation – Taylor & Scott

  Workers compensation has been operating in Australia for many years. The scheme is backed by the philosophy that Australians who are injured or become sick as a result of their work should be compensated and helped, as much as possible, to return to their previous position. However, legislation surrounding workers compensation in Australia is…

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Damages payout following fall at work

Damages Payout Following Fall at Work, Cleaning Contractors Sued

Our client had recently secured a position with a supermarket. She had reported for work at the supermarket and completed the formal paperwork. She was then handed a uniform and sent to the staff change room to put on her uniform. Having changed, she exited the change room and took one step onto a tiled…

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Labourer Wins Damages Claim Against Non-Employer for Serious Foot Injury

Labourer Wins Damages Claim Against Non-Employer for Serious Foot Injury

Our client was employed by a labour-hire company. He was sent out to various worksites to assist other companies. On this particular occasion, he had been sent to assist a civil contractor who had a contract to install various road drains. He was directed to assist workers install very heavy metal drain covers. To do…

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Workers Compensation and Work Injury Damages

Is Workers Compensation and Work Injury Damages the Same Thing?

  Many employees carry out their work completely unaware of workers compensation schemes and the legal rights available to them. When an employee is injured at work, they may be faced with 2 separate opportunities for compensation which can lead to some confusion. These separate types of compensation are workers compensation and work injury damages….

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Self-Employed Carpenter Secures Large Payout

Self-Employed Carpenter Secures Large Payout Following Injuries on Building Site

Our client dropped out of school before obtaining his School Certificate. He completed an apprenticeship doing carpentry and joinery. Over the years he has worked for numerous employers and became highly skilled in doing high rise residential and commercial installations. Several years ago he was contracted to do installations on a high rise project in…

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Shop Assistant Suffers Serious Knee Injury

Shop Assistant Suffers Serious Knee Injury
Work Injury Damages Claim Successful

Our client lived and worked in country NSW. She was employed by a large supermarket chain. Her permanent part-time work required her to assist in the unloading of boxes from pallets delivered to the store. On the day of her accident, a large delivery of cartons had been dropped on a wooden pallet at the…

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Workers Compensation Lifting Injury

Series of Lifting Injuries at Work Results in Workers Compensation Lump Sum Payout

FACTS Our client worked as a picker/packer for a large supermarket chain. His job involved him constantly bending and lifting boxes weighing from 10-20 kgs. His wife and four children are all dependent on him. During the course of his work, he has suffered a number of lifting injuries which have resulted in permanent injuries…

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Personal Injury Claim Lifting Injury

Lifting Box From Overhead Shelf Leads to Life of Pain and Misery for Shop Assistant

Our client has spent a lifetime working as a shop assistant for a leading supermarket chain.  Her job involves a mixture of physical work by way of assisting customers and managerial work supervising others. On one occasion, our client was assisting a shopper. She needed to climb a ladder and retrieve a box from a…

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