Superannuation and Disability Claims

When we enter the workforce following school, trade school, or university, we immediately start contributing to our superannuation fund. Commonly referred to as our ‘nest-egg’, superannuation is a lump sum of money that pays for our retirement. As we inevitably edge closer to retirement age, we all want our nest egg to be as large…

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Wills, Probate and What to do About the Assets of a Loved One When They Pass.

When a family member or loved one passes away, the last thing you want to think about are the legal steps required to execute their Will. Wills can be a somewhat complex matter to navigate, so familiarising yourself with the process as early as possible, Will save you a lot of stress later. Before anything,…

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How to Safeguard your Will from Being Contested

Providing for your family and loved ones is a big responsibility. Many people spend their lives ensuring their loved ones have a roof over their heads, but adequately providing for your family continues even after your working life comes to an end. Carefully planning how your assets will be distributed in the event of your…

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