Can You Work After Making a Total & Permanent Disability Claim?

Many superannuation policies offer a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) benefit. It’s a wonderful safety net to have as TPD benefits are designed to provide a lump sum payment if an illness or injury prevents you from working. TPD benefits were originally intended to provide enough money to make up for the lost super contributions…

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Top 3 Commonly Asked Questions About Conveyancing Answered.

There is more to buying a home than the suburb you wish to live in or the style of property you want to buy. The process of buying or selling a property is complex. Here are the 3 most commonly asked questions about the conveyancing process. Question 1:  What are the main steps in the…

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Payments Under Workers Compensation Explained

If you’ve sustained an injury at work and cannot work to your full capacity, it can significantly impact your financial stability. Particularly in the case of a serious injury resulting in a prolonged absence from work. Luckily, workers compensation payments are designed to help cover a number of costs and financial losses, taking into account…

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Top 3 Reasons You Should Get an Immigration Lawyer

In today’s digital era of ubiquitous information, you may be wondering why – or even if – you should consult an Immigration Lawyer for your visa, when things like Google and social media platforms are right at your fingertips. However, Australian immigration law is complex and extensive and continues to evolve at an incredibly fast…

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What you Need to Know About Hit and Run Compensation

When it comes to hit-and-run motor accidents, due to the fact that the driver at fault cannot be identified, some people may think that compensation is unattainable or too difficult a task. The fact of the matter is, if you’ve been injured in any way, you have a legal right to make a claim. You…

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What is a Family Provision Claim and What Does it Entail?

When a family member passes and has left a Will, it’s not uncommon for the estate to be divided unfairly among the recipients. In fact, we’ve dealt with many cases where beneficiaries have had to contest a Will for being under-recognised – and in some cases, completely left out. That’s where a Family Provision Claim…

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Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Always Consult a Lawyer for Estate Administration.

When someone passes, the person nominated in their Will as an executor takes ownership of their estate and is responsible for administering everything to the beneficiaries as outlined in the Will. Comparatively, if the person passes without a Will, there’s a whole set of other procedures that you need to fulfil in order to manage…

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Things to Consider When Contesting an Estate Plan

Having a loved one pass away is never an easy thing to deal with, but then discovering that you’ve been left out of their Will, or the provisions are inadequate can really exacerbate your grief and cause a lot of stress for years to come. In the case of an elderly loved one passing, there…

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I’ve Been Bullied at Work – What Kind of Compensation am I Entitled to?

Every worker has a basic right to feel safe in their workplace, and whether it’s your physical or mental health, your employer has a duty to protect that right at all times. Despite this, many people – from interns to senior managers – still become victims of workplace bullying. Many workplaces should have procedures and…

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I was the Victim of a Botched Surgery, What Should I do?

Having any kind of surgery inevitably comes with risks. However, every doctor should provide their patient with all the necessary information during their consultation, to where the patient agrees to undergo the surgery despite the risks involved. Otherwise, you may have a medical negligence case on your hands. Interestingly, it was reported in the Annals…

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