Leg Amputated in Work Accident

Leg Amputated Work Accident


Our client was a rigger dogman employed by a labour hire company. He worked a six day week and earnt big money. He worked hard to secure the financial welfare of his wife and children.

His employer hired him out to assist a company which operated cranes. Our client’s job as a rigger dogman required him to assist the crane operator when heavy loads had to be moved from one part of a worksite to another.

Often he was required to work all night so the site was open for business during the day. In the very early hours one morning, our client was dogging a load from one part of a worksite to another, a distance of about one kilometre. As he walked next to the mobile crane which was carrying the load, the driver of the crane moved the crane too close to him and suddenly he felt a tug on his boot and realised that the wheel of the crane was in fact running over his leg as he fell to the ground.

Our client suffered very serious injuries to both legs. He was rushed to hospital and the doctors tried valiantly for the next two weeks to try and save his legs. Following two operations, one leg was saved but the other could not. Sadly, he underwent an above the knee amputation. His other leg required a total knee reconstruction using artificial tendons and ligaments. Surgery was also required to his foot because of several severe fractures in the foot.

Following this devastating event, our client faced many months of rehabilitation. Following his rehabilitation, he required specialists to assist in building an artificial leg and teaching him to walk again. His life was turned upside down. He could no longer work in the construction industry. He continued to suffer anxiety, depression, recurring dreams of the accident, sleep disturbance and pain. His family and social lives were greatly damaged.

Simon Meigan and his team of expert compensation/negligence lawyers assisted their client. Proceedings for negligence were commenced in the Supreme Court of NSW against the employer of the driver of the crane for the negligence of the driver. Simon engaged various experts including rehabilitation experts, employment experts, experts in negligence and experts in the future needs that our client would require. All experts’ fees were met by Taylor & Scott who acted on a no-win/no-pay basis meaning that the client paid no costs unless and until he succeeded with his claim.

Eventually the case came on for a mediation in the Supreme Court. Simon and his legal team negotiated with the insurers and eventually a very large settlement was achieved which secured his client’s financial wellbeing for the rest of his days.

If you or someone you know is severely injured in an accident at work or in another place, you can trust the experts in negligence claims here at Taylor & Scott Compensation Lawyers. All cases will be conducted on a no-win/no-pay basis. Our team of expert compensation lawyers will do everything they can to ensure you secure maximum damages for your injuries. Ring 1800 600 664 or complete the contact form on this page.

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